The following hospitals and primary care networks are participating in the ASPIRE trial:
If you practice in a participating PHN and you have a patient who has consented to the trial in the intervention phase, you will be invited to take part in the trial and receive support from the PHN Hub’s Medication Safety Pharmacist to arrange a timely medication review for your patient.
Look out for communications about continuing professional development activities on medication safety run by your PHN.
If you are an accredited pharmacist and practice in a participating PHN, contact your PHN Medication Safety Pharmacist if you would like your details listed in the PHN's ‘Contact list of Accredited Pharmacists’ .
By listing your details with the PHN, you can be more readily contacted for an HMR referral by the Medication Safety Pharmacist in the PHN or directly by a participating GP.
Look out for communications about continuing professional development activities on medication safety run by your PHN.